Dr. RAKESH MOHANTy 48+ @ 2024 [pHd-ComP Sc. & Engg, IIT Madras| M.Tech.-Comp. Sc. & Tech, JNU NewDelhi| B.E. - Comp Sc. & Engg, VSSUT(UCE) Burla, Odisha, India] |Life-skills MENTOR | DIGITAL ENTREPRENEUR | ETERNAL LEARNER | Harmonious Thinker | PASSIONATE TEACHER | DIVERSIFIED RESEARCHER |All-rounder Cricketer|


  1. Produce Global Achievers

    • Establish frameworks to nurture Nobel Laureates, Olympic Medalists, Turing Award Winners, Fields Medalists, and Visionary Global Leaders.

    • Create mentorship and skill development programs to promote excellence across disciplines.

  2. Financial Empowerment for Every Adult

    • Equip every adult with entrepreneurial, vocational, and life skills to generate a sustainable standard income per month.

  3. Promote Happy and Healthy Families

    • Design initiatives that foster emotional well-being, strong relationships, and physical health within every family.

    • Develop resources for stress management, mental health, and community support.

  4. Design a Lifestyle Model for Longevity

    • Research and promote practices for optimal health, nutrition, physical activity, and mindfulness to enable people to live over 100 years.

    • Advocate preventive healthcare and mental resilience strategies.

  5. Create a Collaborative Work Model

    • Shift from competitive frameworks to a collaborative, joy-centered environment where people thrive together.

    • Promote shared success, team-based innovations, and mutual respect across industries and sectors.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting